Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Here's how it all began:
I picked up a Runner's World magazine during my layover in Atlanta at the beginning of May, where I was returning from a 5K at Walt Disney World. To be honest, it was just a great excuse to get away for a few days with my older sister and a certain famous mouse. (Don't misunderstand - we ran our butts off - no PR, but we did all right.)

The next weekend I was scanning through it as I got ready for bed. I saw a bright orange page, an ad for the Hartford ING Marathon/Half-Marathon/5K/Fun Run/whatever else they can cram into one event. I stopped. I read it over. Considered it. Then sent a simple message to my best friend, who lives a mere 1/2 hour outside of Hartford: "Half Marathon in Hartford in October. Can I crash at your place?" She called the next day. Admitted that she had been out drinking the night before and had no idea if she had even responded or what she might have said. I ask again if it would be okay if I stayed at her place for that weekend.

"I'll do you one better," she says. "I'll run it with you." Girly squealing and intense excitement ensued. Not only do I get to see my best friend (who I only see about once a year), but we're going to share blood, sweat and tears on the streets of Hartford. We registered and now it's official: 129 days til 13.1 miles.

I'll be honest, I've never liked running. There has been only one other time in my life that I ran with any regularity and to be frank, it was a time of obsession and pain and hurt. For me to go from couch potato to runner extraordinaire and half-marathoner in 6 months is no small feat.

I started running on a weekly basis the week after I got back from Disney. I've been running monthly 5Ks for almost 7 months now and this is the first time I've hit the asphalt between races. It's not easy. It's tough. But surprisingly, I'm starting to enjoy it. I'm starting to crave it, as crazy as that sounds.

We'll go into the reasons for that later, I'm sure, as the turmoil in my personal life is part of the reason I run: for escape, for peace, for that 45 minutes to myself where no one can touch me.

For now, I'll just end with today's stats, though I'll be honest, I don't exactly remember the number on the scale this morning.

Weight: 148. Ish.
Mileage: 2.5 mi.
Today's lesson: Lean pockets can totally be part of a balanced meal.

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