128 days to Hartford.
Today's stats:
Weight: 145 (so obviously 148 was a bit off yesterday)
X-Training: Tae-Bo (Fat Burn Accelerator video)
Tae-Bo kicked my butt. Slaughtered it. Absolutely made me want to give up. But I didn't and I made it through the whole 50 minute video, even if I did have to jog in place a few times - because honestly, I'm just. not. that. coordinated.
It's getting hot outside. Dangerously hot. 80 oz of water is not an ultimate goal any more. That's a starting point - and if I plan on running, especially outside, I need to add another 20 or 3o oz. I've thought about joining a gym, just to be able to run inside. Krista told me to join her gym when I return to Charlotte so we can work out together. (She is my regular 5K partner, but I couldn't convince her to run the half-marathon with me.) My father also has a standing offer to pay for martial arts training for me so I am not raped, abducted, murdered, or some combination of the three. I think he gets nervous about my living in a city where I don't know anyone and where I am often out on the road alone running. I don't worry too much about that, honestly, but martial arts seems like an awesome stress buster and a great way to gain some muscle.
So the question remains whether or not to join a gym while I'm here in Raleigh or to wait. 97 - 98 degree highs all the upcoming week. I think my decision may be made for me.
Things I learned today:
Gatorade is no substitute for water.
Reduced fat oreos taste like they're reduced fat.
Sports bras are pretty much one-use-only.
Note to self: Buy more sports bras...
This weekend should be interesting: Bachelorette party tomorrow, wedding Saturday. Plenty of opportunity to botch the work I've put into this. Running shoes are the first thing I'm packing tonight.
This weekend's goals: 4 mile run, 2 mile run, Tae-Bo (1/2 hour core-building video).
When Wounds Cease to be a Source of Shame
13 years ago
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