Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Somebody remind me that I'm not a quitter, please.

It is currently 6:07 PM in Raleigh, the place I call "home" for the moment. It is 98 degrees. That is not a typo.

It is entirely too hot to run. I proved that after a failed attempt at 4 miles on Friday, where I only half ran the first mile and a half and had to stop 3 times on the way back because I was so faint.

I am exceptionally frustrated at the moment - all I want to do is run, but it would seem that doing so would be to tempt the fates in a most unintelligent manner. So I tae bo. And that's worse than running. Worse because I am horribly uncoordinated and I spend half the video yelling at Billy Blanks because I just can't do that and I run in place instead.

I'm also frustrated because I've been training for 3 weeks - and I'm seeing no results. I don't run any faster, further, or with any less pain than I did at the beginning of May. My clothes don't fit any better and I still feel, at times, like I am bursting out of my skin. This would be understandable if I ate like a fool or drank heavily on a daily basis or something - but I don't. I really do watch what I eat, drink with little frequency, and yet...

*Sigh* I tire sometimes of complaining, but in my defense, it's the first time in 3 weeks of training that I've really considered giving it all up.

Weight: 145 (still - which isn't all bad after a wedding and a weekend full of food)
X-Training: I don't think 20 minutes counts. Today's a bust.

Need to join a gym. Need to find the $70 I'll need to start up (after that, only $10/month!). Friday's payday. We'll see.

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