Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quit yer bitchin'

A littler earlier than my usual posts - but an errant car alarm (my own) awoke me at 3 am, a nearly impossible time for me to go back to sleep.

It was a balmy 93 degrees yesterday at 5 pm, which seemed just perfect for a run. Well, not perfect, but d0-able. I went out armed with my PODRUNNER INTERVALS (yeah, that was a shout-out) and a bottle of water and hit the open road. Finished about 2.75 miles of the three-mile-route I had laid out. When the intervals switched to running again and the last .15 miles before turning back were uphill, I gave up. It was hot. Sue me.

The best part is - I finished that mileage in just over 30 minutes. Exciting, first of all, because 2.5 miles took me about 35+ minutes 2 weeks ago. But I was even more excited when I realized at a 5k is 3.1 miles - I was less than half a mile from that yesterday! In a time so much better than my PR! Of course, I can't say with any certainty that I'm any faster than I was a month ago until I get my time from this Saturday's race, but I feel so much better than I did after Tuesday's whine-whine-whine workout. I really need to get a stopwatch (I think Krista told me she had one for me) to time myself this Saturday - I'm generally so far back in the pack that guntime is off by 45 seconds or more.

This Saturday's race: Lake Wylie Splash Dash - 8 AM at Camp T-Bird
Time to Beat: 38:24 (official time from CPCC Skyline Run 4/26/08)

Lessons learned:
Hand washing laundry is a workout on its own - if you don't believe me, try it.
93 degrees is just about my cut off.
Everything seems so much simpler after a run.

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